Prowling my world, camera in hand

23 September 2007

Week 38: Almere & AMS

Filed under: — Administrator @ 07:41

My time here in the Netherlands is coming to an end–in October I am starting my new job in Spain, and within the next few months the whole family will be installed in Alicante. So I am using the last few weekends here to re-visit some of my favourite locations. For this week, I have some images from a motorcycle ride around Almere where I have lived the past 4 1/2 years, and some from Amsterdam as well.

The beach near Almere. This body of water forms the border between the province of Flevoland and the mainland. The beach was empty on an early Sunday morning, but there were traces of human and canine presence:

The alternates

Alternate 1
Another view on the same beach:

Alternate 2
I then rode out to one of the many dikes that protect Flevoland (most of which is below sea level). This particular dike has just been raised and strengthened in anticipation of stronger storms and the sea level rise that will occur as a result of global warming. The Dutch are used to planning long-term:

Alternate 3
Another view of the same dike:

Alternate 4
Thursday afternoon, driving home from work, I stopped to photograph this cloudscape near the Stichtse Brug, one of the bridges linking Flevoland with the mainland:

Alternate 5
This image is from near my house, taken while walking the dog. The swans that were born this spring are now fully grown. The swan family has stayed together and still do not take kindly to walkers who come to close:

The remaining images are from Amsterdam, another favourite haunt of mine.

Alternate 6
Mother and child, near Spui:

Alternate 7
One of the distinguishing characteristics of Amsterdam are of course the canals and the boats that ply their waters. Some are beautiful and fancy, like this one:

Alternate 8
But most of the boat traffic in Amsterdam consists of small boats with families or groups of friends enjoying the simple pleasures of life:

Alternate 9
Finally, the interior of my favourite watering hole in Amsterdam, the Gollem bar, famous for its huge selection of Belgian beer:

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