Prowling my world, camera in hand

21 January 2007

Week 01 1/2 : Prague on film

Filed under: — Administrator @ 22:16

One of the advantages of digital photography is that you do not have to wait for your film to be developed. So I was able to post Week 1 shortly after returning from my holiday trip. But I also shot several rolls of medium format B&W film during my trip to Poland and the Czech Republic. I just got the negatives the other day and spent the weekend scanning them. So, with some delay, here is an amendment to my Week 1 images. All pictures made with the Bronica 645 rangefinder on either Fomapan 200 or Fuji Neopan 400 CN film.

The main image is a classic Prague scene, the view of the Hradcany castle from across the river, near the Charles Bridge:


The alternates

Alternate 1: Tourists on the Charles Bridge:

Alternate 2: Tunnel near the Charles Bridge:

Alternate 3: In the Old Town:

In the evening, I was out on Venceslas Square. Having the camera loaded with 400 speed film, and with slow lenses (f4 maximum aperture), it was a test of my ability to hand-hold the Bronica at 1/4 or 1/8 sec.:
Alternate 4: Venceslas Square traffic:

Alternate 5: Venceslas Square relaxing:

The film I shot was bought at Foto Skoda, a great shop right off Venceslas Square:
Alternate 6: Drooling at Foto Skoda:

The last two images are from Wroclaw in Poland.
Alternate 7: After the rain:

Alternate 8: Old Jewish cemetery:


  1. Dear Nathan: Thanx for the photos of one of my favourite places in the world. I lived in Prague, for short spurts during the 90s and know many inches of the areas you’ve imaged. I have never seen Wenceslas Sq., so empty! My home has a 20X30 in colour of the scene in your first photo of the Castle. As always, your images bring great joy and this time very personally. Bests: Lisa and Roger

    Comment by Roger — 22 January 2007 @ 01:24

  2. Alternate 7: Ulica Krowia/The Cow Str. Wieża na rogu Wita Stwosza/The Tower at the Weit Stock Str.
    Alternate 8: Legnicka (Str) czy Ślężna (Str)?


    Michał Wicher

    Comment by MichaÅ‚ Wicher — 21 January 2008 @ 15:01

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