Prowling my world, camera in hand

28 October 2007

Week 43: Mercado Central

Filed under: — Administrator @ 08:59

On Saturday, I decided to explore the Central Market of Alicante. Every Spanish town has one or several of those markets, where many locals go for serious food shopping. I have visited such places in Seville (where every neighbourhood has one) but the one in Alicante is bigger and more interesting.

Main entrance:

The alternates

Alternate 1
One of the meat counters:

Alternate 2
I then moved on to the fish section:

Alternate 3
Fishmonger at work:

Alternate 4
Another fishmonger, gutting the fish for a customer:

Alternate 5
On the square outside the market, these women are waiting for their husbands to pick them up:

Alternate 6
Also on the square outside the market, the little boy is saying, “look at the doggies!”:

I then walked around a bit in the neighbourhood around the market.

Alternate 7
Outside the main theatre of Alicante, near the Central Market:

Alternate 8
Same place, close-up:

The last two images are from the Postiguet beach in the centre of Alicante. Not bad for late October…

Alternate 9
Children playing:

Alternate 10
Fishing (the building in the background is the Melia Alicante hotel, where I stayed during my very first visit to this place back in July):

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