Prowling my world, camera in hand

19 December 2006

Week 50: Light & shadow

Filed under: — Administrator @ 21:31

Tuesday morning I stopped in Zaltbommel and walked around, this time taking advantage of the low winter sun which brings out textures and creates nice shadows.

A lamp:
(Canon 1D Mark 2, 24-70mm L Canon, ISO 200)

A cross:
(Canon 1D Mark 2, 24-70mm L Canon, ISO 200)

A shop sign:
(Canon 1D Mark 2, 24-70mm L Canon, ISO 200)

Tuesday is market day in Zaltbommel:
(Canon 1D Mark 2, 24-70mm L Canon, ISO 400)

Then a couple of pictures from a walk with my dog. Even though this is mid-December, there is not much winter to be seen:
(Canon 1D Mark 2, 135mm L Canon, ISO 200)

(Canon 1D Mark 2, 135mm L Canon, ISO 200)

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